Sunday, October 31, 2010

Half a banana and puff of a puffer

And so it begins...

I downloaded the couch to 5k get running app a few days ago for my iPhone. I'm impressed. I would be more impressed if I didn't feel like I had a cast iron frying pan sitting on top of my chest after I ran.

Well, I did not really run. For those playing at home with the 'c25k' after my first ever W1R1 'walk/jog' I could not breathe properly for 48 hours. WTF... I have exercise induced asthma and hyperinflated lungs but I generally forget that fact until it's too late. Eg. During and after I run, certainly not before when I should be taking that vital puff of ventolin in preparation. Idiot. I'll learn from it. I followed the program for half the time, and then walked the rest because I could not get that air in.

Also, that first run was 3 days ago. My legs and thighs are still sore, I notice every time I go to sit on the toilet :P I was going to attempt the second run today but it's very brrrrrrr and windy outside indeed. One more day of rest and I'll head out.

I'm not sure what my plan of attack will be though. I may try just jogging the 30 seconds of the 1 minute and increase it from there. It's a start. Maybe 30 seconds for every 1 minute walk? That'd be fairly hard to work out whilst listening to the nice woman telling me it's now time to run when I think it's time to walk. I don't know.

I've decided that I want to start running because I've never been able to, I've lost a substantial amount of weight this year and I'm close to my 'goal/happy with my body' weight, and I'm overcoming anxiety and depression I heard on the grapevine that exercise helps.

Since the 31st of December 2009 my Wii says I've lost exactly 15kg but I can't pinpoint as to how. I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and have been very sick for part of the year. But I hope to God that I haven't lost that much weight from IBS alone. That'd be unhealthy! I hope that my actions to exclude junk food from my diet has been beneficial. Maybe eating healthier? Maybe stopping anti-depressants in April helped? I have lost 10 of those 15kg since April. Perhaps discovering three months ago of the existence of fructose malabsorption and low-fodmap diet helped? (I plead those with digestive issues to google the low-fodmap diet because right now I cannot be bothered explaining it right now. It's certainly not a fad 'diet'). I've excluded many food groups and my intestines and state of mind haven't been happier. (Well they were happier once, but that was 4 years ago when I didn't have any digestive problems). I wanted to lose weight that's true, but it's only been a byproduct of eating properly and from being ill. I haven't actually tried to.

Anyway, enough about health issues, W1R2 tomorrow! I'm going to eat half a banana, puff a puffer, and tie my shoes. I wonder if my body shape will change as I run? I'm only 6kg off my goal weight, but there's a tyre around my waist I'm hoping will deflate? Haha. Maybe it will disappear. Maybe.

Thanks for reading. I'm going to go and find my running clothes now, and find something that will hold my iPhone.

Here's to change!


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